Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Kirs[ed] Random Tidbits: YKK

Now, I know I'm not the only one that's ever wondered what the YKK stood for on hoodies/jackets/coats/jeans/etc.

I'm a pretty random person and I look at the most peculiar/normal things and wonder of their origins.

For instance: Who saw an egg drop out of a chicken and thought, "Now call me crazy...but I think I could eat that." (I know, I need serious help)

So, I did what any person does when they wanna find out the answer to a perculiar question....I googled it!

It turns out that YKK is a freakin' corporation! They make the odds and ends that help bigger things function properly and without hazard.

The following is an excerpt from their website that is currently under construction:
From Zippers to Architectural Products, YKK makes something you probably use during your day: the zipper on your blue jeans; the webbing that's your dog's leash; the window frame in your home; the main entrance to your office; or any one of thousands of other YKK AP®-branded architectural products and YKK®-branded fastening products.  [Source ] 
How cool is that! A whole company devoted to small things that make everyday life simple! 

Knowledge is power!

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